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Legislature Honors U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe

Sen. Ron Justice Sen. Ron Justice

State Sen. Ron Justice and Rep. Dale DeWitt joined with their legislative colleagues in honoring one of their own today. Senate Concurrent Resolution 37 congratulates U.S. Senator and former state Senator Jim Inhofe for receiving the American Farm Bureau’s Golden Plow award, the highest honor the organization bestows on members of Congress.

“Senator Inhofe has been a tireless advocate for the agriculture industry and community. He understands that our farmers and ranchers are the backbone of our nation not only feeding our people but providing a tremendous boost to our economy,” said Justice, Chair of the Senate Agriculture and Rural Development Committee.

As Chair of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and now the ranking minority member, Inhofe has held hearings on behalf of the American Farm Bureau Federation and agriculture on numerous issues, including the comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, the Water Resources Development Act, endangered species, climate change, wetlands, and the Clean Water Act.

“Senator Inhofe is committed to protecting private property, promoting alternative energies, maintaining a strong safety net for our farmers and ranchers, and ensuring trade doors remain open so that those individuals have marketing opportunities abroad,” said DeWitt, Chair of the House Natural Resources and Regulatory Services Committee. “The citizens of Oklahoma are so fortunate to have him representing their interests in Washington; and I want to speak on behalf of my fellow farmers and ranchers and thank Senator Inhofe for his service and dedication to the agriculture community.”

Inhofe has also worked to include a compromise solution in the 2007 Farm Bill, authorizing the U.S. Department of Agriculture to give priority consideration to grant proposals that allow agricultural operators to make use of animal manure, specifically poultry litter, for use as fertilizers, energy production, and other useful byproducts aimed at identifying new ways to create an environmentally-friendly use of poultry litter.
The Farm Bureau awards the Golden Plow award to a member of Congress, regardless of party affiliation, whose philosophy or record demonstrates his or her commitment to the private enterprise system, sound agricultural policies supported by the Farm Bureau, fiscal conservatism, and reduced federal regulations on businesses and individuals.

Contact info
Sen. Justice: 405-521-5537