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Legislation Honoring Work of Senator Robert M. Kerr Receives Final Approval

Senator Robert Kerr Senator Robert Kerr

Oklahoma State Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Morgan said one of the first measures passed this legislative session in the Oklahoma State Senate honors the life of Senator Robert M. Kerr.

Today, Senate Joint Resolution 63 which names the Quartz Mountain Resort Arts and Conference Center after the late Senator finally received final approval in the House of Representatives.

“This measure is certainly a fitting tribute to Senator Kerr, and I am proud that we in the Senate made this our first order of business this session,” Morgan said. “Senator Kerr represented the people of western Oklahoma with an endearing passion and naming the Quartz Mountain Resort Arts and Conference Center after him will honor the work he performed on their behalf.”

Senator Kerr’s wife, Robbie, said the Senator was always extremely passionate about Quartz Mountain and worked tirelessly to find the funding to rebuild the center when it was ravaged by an unfortunate fire.

“In many ways, the Quartz Mountain Resort Arts and Conference Center will be Bob’s legacy to the people he so dearly loved to represent,” she said. “He would be deeply honored to know his work on behalf of western Oklahoma was recognized through this resolution.”

Senator Gilmer Capps, whose district also includes many parts of western Oklahoma, said Senator Kerr always had a vision for the Quartz Mountain Resort Arts and Conference Center to serve as not only an economic development tool for the state but as a place that represented the beauty of western Oklahoma.

“Senator Kerr loved Quartz Mountain just as he loved the people he served so it is only fitting that the work he did to make that center the place it is today be recognized by the Legislature,” Capps said. “I worked along side Bob for many years and I can tell you that the love he had for Western Oklahoma is visible throughout his senate district and there is no finer example than the lodge at Quartz Mountain.”

Rodger Kerr, Senator Kerr’s youngest son, said the family is grateful to the Senate family for passing the legislation so early in the session and is honored the resolution received final passage today in the House of Representatives.

“Since dad’s death, our family has been overwhelmed by the support of his colleagues in the Senate and the great people throughout western Oklahoma,” Kerr said. “Dad loved the Legislature and the work he did for 20 years as he served as the voice of the people in western Oklahoma.”

Contact info
Senate President Pro Tem's Office: (405) 521-5605