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Laster Amendment Protects Victimized Children

Senator Charlie Laster Senator Charlie Laster
Sen. Laster explains his bill to protect school-aged victims from juvenile offenders.

Some children in Oklahoma are still not safe from sexual predators even after their attackers have been tried, convicted and served their time in prison, said Sen. Charlie Laster, author of an amendment that would prevent convicted child molesters from moving back into the home where their victims live.

“Believe it or not, there’s nothing on the books right now to prevent the perpetrator from serving his time and then going right back into the same home where the child victim lives,” said Laster, D-Shawnee. “This would fix that.”

The Senate voted on Wednesday to accept Laster’s amendment to Senate Bill 1708, by Sen. Jonathan Nichols, R-Norman, which would also prevent registered sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet of a daycare center.

The Senate voted unanimously to approve the bill containing Laster’s amendment, sending the legislation to the Oklahoma House of Representatives for further consideration.

Contact info
Senator Laster's Office - (405) 521-5539