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Jech holds joint interim study on school property insurance rates

OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Darcy Jech, R-Kingfisher, held a joint interim study in the Education Committee Thursday alongside Rep. Rhonda Baker, R-Yukon. The study evaluated rising school insurance rates and the effect on school budgets.

“Inflation, catastrophic weather events and other factors have caused school property insurance rates to drastically increase across the region,” Jech said. “Oklahoma schools have very few options when it comes to insurance providers, and the rising costs are taking up large portions of their budgets. Education is the state’s largest investment year after year, and the more dollars going directly to the classroom, the better. Today’s meeting gave us further insight on these cost issues and offered information that will be very helpful if legislation results from this study.”

Presenters at the study included K-12 and Career Tech superintendents, policy analysts, independent insurance agents, Insurance Commissioner Glen Mulready, and representatives from the Oklahoma School Insurance Group.

The full interim study can be viewed at:


For more information, contact:
Sen. Darcy Jech at 405-521-5545, or email