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Henry Urged to Sign Pro-Life Legislation Before Midnight Deadline

Sen. Todd Lamb Sen. Todd Lamb

The State Senate’s author of a an omnibus pro-life bill that overwhelmingly passed the State Senate and House of Representatives urged Gov. Brad Henry to sign the bill before tonight’s midnight deadline for gubernatorial action on the bill.

“I strongly encourage Gov. Henry to join the Oklahoma Legislature in taking a stand for the rights of the unborn and for the sanctity of life by signing this bill before tonight’s deadline,” said Sen. Todd Lamb, R-Edmond, author of Senate Bill 1878.

Senate Bill 1878 by Senator Todd Lamb, R-Edmond, and Representative Pam Peterson, R-Tulsa, passed both houses of the Legislature by veto-proof margins: 38-10 in the Senate and 80-12 in the House.

Summary of SB 1878:

Creates the Freedom of Conscience Act which protects the rights of healthcare providers to refuse to take part in the destruction of human;

Regulates the use of the dangerous chemical pill RU-486, used when the unborn child is about two months old;

Ensures the mother’s consent to abort is truly voluntary, and protects against coerced abortions;

Provides a woman with an ultrasound of her unborn child which she can view prior to undergoing the abortion;

Cultivates respect for disabled children by banning the wrongful-life lawsuits that claim a baby would have been better off aborted.

Contact info
Senator Lamb's Office: (405) 521-5632