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Government Reform Passes Senate Committee

Sen. Glenn Coffee Sen. Glenn Coffee
Sen. Coffee on Appropriations Committee approval of bills to make government more efficient.

The Senate Appropriations Committee passed two bills on the Republican legislative agenda late yesterday evening that move Oklahoma toward a more effective and efficient state government.

House Bill 1965 significantly restructures the office of the Chief Medical Examiner, bringing long overdue professional management to the office, and providing for greater accountability from the office.

House Bill 1704 provides for a state Chief Information Officer, overseeing and consolidating state information technology services under one roof, bringing our state agencies and departments to speaking in one language technologically.

Senate President Pro Tempore Glenn Coffee authored both bills and views these measures as common sense reforms Oklahomans deserve.

“By electing a Republican majority last fall, Oklahomans have made clear that they are ready for reform, efficiency and accountability in their state government,” said Pro Tem Coffee. “These two House bills prove that we are committed to providing our citizens with a responsible government that works to move our state forward.”

Both House bills will now go to the full Senate for consideration.

Contact info
Sen. Coffee's Office: 405-521-5636