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Garrison Calls for Shortening of Legislative Session: Wants to Use Funds for Senior Nutrition

Joined by members of both the House and Senate Democratic Caucuses, Sen. Earl Garrison  discussed his bill to end the legislative session early in order to save the state money. Joined by members of both the House and Senate Democratic Caucuses, Sen. Earl Garrison discussed his bill to end the legislative session early in order to save the state money.
Press Conference - speakers include Sen. Earl Garrison, Sen. Andrew Rice and Rep. Jerry McPeak

Senator Earl Garrison has called for leaders in the Oklahoma Legislature to cut the legislative session short in order to be accountable to the people of Oklahoma and save hard working taxpayer dollars. Garrison said in a year when the state is facing more than a billion dollar budget hole, legislators should focus solely on budget related bills and agree to end the annual legislative session early.

“I’ve talked with the people in my district and they want to know what we are doing to share in their pain,” Garrison said. “For months legislative leaders have said we need to tighten our belts, just like Oklahoma families, and I couldn’t agree more, and one way to do that is by cutting session short.”

Garrison said bills unrelated to the budget are often ripe with special interest giveaways that offer little in the way of transparency and oversight.

“Cutting the session short would allow us to by-pass these wasteful practices and allow us to concentrate on fixing the problems related to this budget crisis,” Garrison said. “People are tired of Legislators doing nothing while their families are hurting and this sends the right message that we want to get our job done in
an efficient manner.”

Garrison said the money saved by cutting session short could be used to fund the senior nutrition program that was slashed in October because of budget cuts.

“Seniors are hurting and they are hungry and we have to find a way to fund this life-saving service to our greatest generation,” Garrison said.

Contact info
Sen. Garrison: 405-521-5533