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Defeat of Teacher Protection Bill Victory for Trial Lawyers

Sen. Pruitt says he's disappointed that the Senate did not pass SB 346 .

State Capitol, Oklahoma City The Oklahoma Trial Lawyers Association again flexed its muscles Monday, using its influence over the Democratcontrolled state Senate to defeat the reconsideration of SB 3, the School Protection Act, by Senator Scott Pruitt, RBroken Arrow and Rep. Fred Morgan, ROklahoma City. This bill is an important piece of legislation to school districts across Oklahoma because of its protections against frivolous lawsuits, as demonstrated by the support of the Cooperative Council of Oklahoma School Administrators, the Association of Professional Oklahoma Educators, the Oklahoma State School Boards Association, and the State Chamber of Commerce, and I am disappointed in its defeat, Pruitt said. The defeat of this legislation means educators, school districts, and school employees acting according to state law and school rules will not be afforded the bills protection from frivolous lawsuits. Lack of discipline in schools today is a significant problem, and a large part of the problem is the fear that educators have of being sued. I cant believe that most Senate Democrats didnt agree that teachers and schools deserve protection from frivolous lawsuits, Pruitt said. Unnecessary lawsuits for frivolous claims contribute to higher operating costs at schools. This bill would have provided relief to schools and teachers and taken dollars out of the pockets of trial lawyers and put them back into the classroom, said Morgan. Five Democrats joined all twenty Republicans in voting against a motion to table, or kill, the bill. But during the actual vote on the bill, Senator Sam Helton, DLawton, switched his vote under pressure from the Democrat leadership, leaving the bill one vote short of the twentyfive necessary for passage. I sincerely appreciate the votes of Senators Kerr, Maddox, Price and Shurden, the four brave Democrats who bucked their partys liberal leadership and joined Republicans in voting for this bill, stated Pruitt.

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Senator Scott Pruitt Assistant Republican Floor Leader 0 202