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Dahm comments on Treat’s refusal to follow senate rules regarding executive nominations

OKLAHOMA CITY – State Sen. Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, released the following statement commenting on pro tem Treat’s violation of Senate rules.

“For weeks Senator Treat has refused to follow the Senate Rules,” Dahm said. “He set a policy allowing individual Senators to ‘reject’ executive nominations made by Gov. Stitt. This dictate by Treat is in direct violation of Senate Rule 8-40 which says that all nominations SHALL be referred for consideration to the appropriate Senate Committee. By refusing to refer several nominations to the committees to be voted on, Treat is knowingly and deliberately violating Senate Rules – seemingly because of his personal vendetta against the Governor due to the Governor being far more conservative.”

Dahm continued, “As much as Senator Treat tries to emulate the quote by Emperor Palpatine when he claimed ‘I AM THE SENATE’, Senator Treat is, in fact, not the Senate. Nor is any other individual Senator who may not like an appointment made by the Governor. Treat doesn’t get to hide in darkness and unilaterally decide to ignore Senate Rules to meet his fancy or to appease his childish tantrums.” 

Senator Treat has a history of knowingly violating Senate Rules when making his emotional decisions, including verbally attacking someone sitting in the Senate gallery during a bill presentation. 

Dahm concluded by saying, “To be clear, Senator Treat violating the rules is both reprehensible and inappropriate. His continued lapses of judgment have distracted from the mission and good work we are attempting to advance on behalf of all Oklahomans – especially those of us who want to follow the rules and vote on the Governor’s nominations. It’s not at all surprising that the ‘leadership style’ of Greg Treat continues to be that of a thug trying to hold on to his last bit of power by any means necessary. Thankfully we still have time remaining this session – limited as it is – for him to apologize, correct the error of his ways, be transparent, and choose to follow the rules.” 


For more information, contact:

Sen. Nathan Dahm at 405-521-5551, or email