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Corn Plans Resolution to Encourage Use of Oklahoma Companies in Stimulus Projects

Sen. Kenneth Corn Sen. Kenneth Corn

Sen. Kenneth Corn this week announced his intention to file a resolution encouraging the use of Oklahoma companies in projects funded by a recently approved federal economic stimulus package.

In order to make the most of federal stimulus dollars, Corn said, the state must seize the opportunity to jumpstart the Oklahoma economy through job creation.

“We must be prepared to put these resources to good use,” said Corn, D-Poteau. “In order to do that, we need to identify projects that are best suited to create jobs for Oklahomans and produce long term value for our state’s economy and infrastructure. By ensuring that Oklahoma companies are first in line for contracts, we can guarantee that these stimulus dollars will help put Oklahomans to work.”

A nationwide downturn in the housing market and construction industry underscores the importance of keeping Oklahoma construction crews at work, Corn said.

“This funding comes at a very important time for our construction industry,” Corn said. “With a clear picture of the funding we’re set to receive, it’s critical that we have a plan to put it to the best possible use. The best possible way to put these dollars to work for Oklahomans is to ensure that they are allocated to Oklahoma companies.”

Contact info
Sen. Corn's Office: 405-521-5576