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Comments from Senate President Pro Tem Glenn Coffee on Democrats' Call to Shorten Legislative Session

Sen. Glenn Coffee Sen. Glenn Coffee
Sen. Coffee's reaction to Democrats' on ending session early.


“While I respect and share the ideals and concerns expressed by many who propose shortening this session, the reality is this idea is not practical as we finalize the 2010 budget and craft the 2011 budget.

“While shortening the session to two months is a laudable goal that sounds good, the reality is we have no idea what level of revenues we’ll have through the end of the fiscal year in June, which directly impacts the current FY 2010 budget, not to mention the challenges we face in crafting the FY 2011 budget.

“In addition, reforming our worker’s comp system, education reform and public safety are important issues that have been ignored in the past and we’re serious about addressing now. They will improve the lives of all Oklahomans and promote more and better jobs. We have work to do.

“Unfortunately, turning out the lights and going home that prematurely would not serve us well in the long run.”

Contact info
Sen. Coffee: 405-521-5636