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Coffee Guards Sanctity of Life

Sen. Glenn Coffee Sen. Glenn Coffee

Senate Bill 1103 by President Pro Tempore Glenn Coffee received the Governor’s signature, providing protections for pregnant women who are subject to domestic violence abuse.

The “Use of Force for the Protection of the Unborn Act” gives a pregnant woman the right to use force or deadly force against another to protect her unborn child. Such protections include reasonable belief that the unborn child is threatened, making the use of force immediately necessary for the child’s protection.

“Oklahoma is one of the highest per capita in violence against pregnant women, with the unborn child often being the primary target of domestic violence,” said Coffee.

“We have rallied together to protect the sanctity of life, and the passage of this bill is evidence that a new day has dawned in Oklahoma’s Legislature,” Coffee added. “I thank my colleagues and Governor Henry for the support of this critical measure that will help a pregnant woman to not only save her life but the life of her unborn child as well.”

Contact info
Sen. Coffee's Office: 405-521-5636