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Bill to protect disabled veterans’ sales tax exemption passes off Senate floor

In a move to stop the fraudulent use of the sales tax exemption extended to Oklahoma’s 100% disabled veterans, the Senate passed Senate Bill 415 Monday. The measure is authored by Navy veteran Sen. Frank Simpson, R-Springer, who serves as the Chairman of the Senate Veterans and Military Affairs Committee.

“According to the Oklahoma Tax Commission, Oklahoma currently has approximately 32,000 military tax-exempt certificates, but the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs shows only 16,000 fully disabled veterans, which is concerning and disheartening. This exemption is provided for our state’s heroes who risked life and limb for our country, yet others are fraudulently claiming the benefit—dishonoring these heroes’ sacrifice and stealing tax revenue from their local communities,” Simpson said. “I’m grateful for the Senate’s support of this important measure to allow better tracking for this exemption. I also want to encourage all Oklahoma veterans to sign up under the Oklahoma Veterans Registry to help us in protecting this important benefit.”

SB 415 authorizes the Oklahoma Tax Commission (OTC) to disclose taxpayer information for 100% service-disabled veterans who qualify for the sales tax exemption to the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs (ODVA), who will in turn verify eligibility for the exemption to the OTC. To remain eligible for the exemption, qualifying veterans must register with the Oklahoma Veterans Registry at

Rep. Tommy Hardin, R-Madill, is the House principal author of the bill, which will next be considered in the House.

Contact info

For more information, contact:  Sen. Simpson: (405) 521-5607 or