
Sen. Greg Treat’s Press Releases

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OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma Senate on Wednesday unanimously approved legislation renewing exemptions to the Open Meeting Act put in place last year during the coronavirus pandemic.

Senate Bill 1031 by Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat reinstates the same exemptions to the Open Meeting Act that were signed into law in 2020 with some minor changes.

Among the changes from the 2020 exemptions are:

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OKLAHOMA CITY – The Senate Health and Human Services Committee passed several measures Wednesday that Republican leaders say advance the cause of life and will help save unborn lives.

The measures approved by the committee were:

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OKLAHOMA CITY -  Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City, issued the following statement on the Governor's State of the State address:

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OKLAHOMA CITY – Pandemic precaution protocols for the 2021 legislative session were announced Friday.

To protect against the spread of the COVID-19 while preserving legislative functionality and public access, the Senate and House of Representatives will each:

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OKLAHOMA CITY – Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat filed legislation Thursday to extend exemptions to the state’s Open Meeting Act that allowed public bodies to meet virtually during the coronavirus pandemic.

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OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma Senate on Tuesday unanimously re-elected Senator Greg Treat as president pro tempore and adopted rules for the coming 58th Legislature.

This will be the third session for Treat to serve as pro tem, the Senate’s top leadership position. The Oklahoma City Republican’s nomination was made by Senate Majority Floor Leader Kim David, R-Porter, and was seconded by Senate Minority Leader Kay Floyd, D-Oklahoma City.

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OKLAHOMA CITY – A small group of senators took the oath of office Tuesday during a ceremony on the floor of the Oklahoma Senate.

Oklahoma Supreme Court Chief Justice Noma Gurich administered the oath of office while Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell presided over the ceremonies.

Among the group was Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City. It was the final time Treat, who was re-elected in November, will take the oath of office. Additionally, next session will be Treat’s third as president pro tempore, the Senate’s top leadership post.

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OKLAHOMA CITY – Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat on Tuesday announced his appointments of chairs and vice chairs of Senate committees. Treat also announced Republican committee assignments.

Treat said an important change to committees this session is on the Veterans and Military Affairs Committee. Treat has named as members of that committee senators who represent military facilities in the state of Oklahoma.

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