
Senate Interim Study

A study on innovating State capital asset management

Subject First Meeting
Time 4:00am
Location Room 535 , State Capitol Building
  1. Gino DeMarco, Deputy Director, Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation Department
    Challenges, deferred maintenance and how managed

  2. John Semtner, FSB
    Cost avoidance with building maintenance
    Cost increases with waiting for needed construction

  3. Dan Ross, OMES
    Ben Davis, Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation Department
    Cary Cundiff, OMES
    Current Long Range Capital Planning Process

  4. Other Business

Senate Appointees:

Senator Roger Thompson, Chair
Senator Dave Rader, Co-Chair
Senator Stephanie Bice
Senator Michael Brooks
Senator Julie Daniels
Senator J.J. Dossett
Senator Tom Dugger
Senator Kay Floyd
Senator Chuck Hall
Senator Allison Ikley-Freeman
Senator Darcy Jech
Senator Chris Kidd
Senator Kevin Matthews
Senator John Michael Montgomery
Senator Dewayne Pemberton
Senator Adam Pugh
Senator Paul Rosino
Senator Paul Scott
Senator Wayne Shaw
Senator Frank Simpson
Senator Gary Stanislawski

Studies Requested By

Anthony Sammons, Director Fiscal Staff
Lori Block, Attorney
Liz Park-Capron, Administrative Assistant

Senate Staff

Senator Julia Kirt
Senator John Michael Montgomery