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Lisa Standridge

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Party: Republican
Legislative Experience: Senate Member, 2024 – present
Hometown: Norman

2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Rm. 529.1  Oklahoma City, OK 73105

Susan Wallace

About the Senator

Growing up in Noble gave Lisa Standridge a strong sense of community and work ethic deeply rooted in conservative values. From an early age, Lisa learned the importance of putting others first. That upbringing inspired her to raise a family, pursue a career as a healthcare professional, earn a Doctorate from the OU College of Pharmacy, launch several businesses, and create dozens of good paying jobs for fellow hard-working Oklahomans.

Shortly after marrying her husband of now 32 years, Rob, they bought a pharmacy in Blanchard.  For the last 29 years, Lisa and Rob have been faithfully serving Blanchard, and surrounding areas. Today, Lisa helps manage their second pharmacy in Norman which services statewide, including Noble, Norman, Moore, & OKC. She understands how to lead teams and balance large budgets.

Lisa is a lifelong Republican and has a proven track record of standing up for conservative values. As past President of the Helen Cole Republican Women's Club, Lisa championed numerous conservative candidates and causes, including the fight to fully restore funding for Norman police. Lisa’s life experiences and steadfast dedication to her community make her a strong advocate for the people of District 15. She and Rob have been actively involved in their home church, CrossPointe, for nearly two decades and have three children. She is pro-life and pro-2nd amendment.

District 15 see map

counties represented
zip codes represented
  • Cleveland
  • 73020
  • 73026
  • 73051
  • 73068
  • 73069
  • 73071
  • 73072
  • 73135
  • 73150
  • 73160
  • 73165
  • 74851
  • 74852
  • 74857