Sen. Rob Standridge’s Press Releases

Showing: May, 2018

Efforts revealed to misuse education support staff salary funds

The teacher walk out last month, I believe, taught all those involved many things. As a senator, I was very appreciative of all those that took the time to come to my office to exercise their constitutionally-given right to come to their house, the state Capitol, and express their positions with regard to education. Of all the things I learned, the two most repeated needs expressed by educators and their supporters was a desire for smaller classroom sizes and more pay for support personnel. 

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OKLAHOMA CITY – The legislature approved much-needed pay raises for teachers and school support staff this session. Sen. Rob Standridge and other legislators are growing concerned after hearing plans by multiple districts that want to give their administrators pay raises meant for support staff. The legislators want to ensure the pay raises are dispersed correctly and want to encourage the public to hold local school boards and administrators accountable as these decisions are made in next few months. 

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