
Sen. District 8’s Press Releases

Showing: June, 2021

OKLAHOMA CITY – Senate Appropriations Chair Roger Thompson, R-Okemah, and Sen. Casey Murdock, R-Felt, issued the following statements after the Senate Appropriations Committee held a hearing Tuesday on the Department of Corrections’ (DOC) announcement of the closing of the William S. Key Correctional Center in Fort Supply.  Among those appearing before the committee were Tricia Everest, Cabinet Secretary of Public Safety, Deputy Secretary Jason Nelson, Scott Crow, DOC Director, and Ashlee Clemmons, DOC Chief Financial Officer.  

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OKLAHOMA CITY - A joint legislative committee will help prioritize proposals for state government’s share of federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.

Under federal law, ARPA funds for state governments are to be used only to respond to the public health emergency and negative economic effects caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Such uses can include payments to state agencies, nonprofits, industry and households. They can also include investments in public infrastructure.

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