
Senate Interim Study

A study on advanced transportation technology readiness

Subject First Meeting
Time 3:30am
Location Room 535 , State Capitol Building
  1. 8:30am Welcome
    Senator Standridge, Chairman Transportation Committee

  2. 8:35am Brief Introduction
    Senator Bergstrom, Vice-Chairman Transportation Committee

  3. 8:40am Vision for ODOT and Oklahoma Autonomous Vehicle Steering Committee
    Tim Gatz, Oklahoma Secretary of Transportation
    Tom Robins, Facilitator Oklahoma AV Steering Committee

  4. 8:55am Oklahoma Public Polling and Safety in the Age of Autonomous & Connected Mobility
    Leslie Gamble AAA Oklahoma Manager, Public and Government Affairs

  5. 9:15am Tulsa Mobility Innovation and Overview of Current National and State Trends
    Adriane Jaynes, INCOG
    Greg Rodriguez Mobility Policy Principal, Stantec

  6. 9:50am The Future of Autonomous Vehicle Infrastructure & Governing Via “Soft Laws”& Should Shared Mobility Services Share Your Data?
    Jennifer Huddleston, Mercatus Center

  7. 10:30am Oklahoma Aviation Transportation Technology Readiness
    James Grimsley, Executive Director of Advanced Technology Initiatives Choctaw Nation

  8. 11:10am Questions & Answers

  9. 11:20am Closing Remarks Next Steps
    Senator Bergstrom, Vice Chairman Transportation Committee

  10. 11:30am Adjournment

Transportation Committee Members:

Senator Rob Standridge, Chair
Senator Micheal Bergstrom, Vice-chair
Senator Mark Allen
Senator Larry Boggs
Senator Bill Coleman
Senator Carri Hicks
Senator Kevin Matthews
Senator Greg McCortney
Senator Adam Pugh

Studies Requested By

Senator Micheal Bergstrom
Senator Joseph Silk

Senate Staff

Jason Deal, Legislative Analyst
Chris Turner, Attorney
Mary Savuto, Administrative Assistant