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A Welcomed Flip-Flop: Senate Democratic Leader Embraces Coffee’s New Found Appreciation for Middle Class Tax Cuts

Sen. Charlie Laster Sen. Charlie Laster

Senate Democratic Leader Embraces Coffee’s New Found Appreciation for Middle Class Tax Cuts

*Statement from Democratic Leader Charlie Laster (D-Shawnee) on the unveiling of the Senate Republican Agenda

“It is refreshing to hear Senator Coffee embrace the Democratic principles of lowering the tax burden for Oklahoma’s middle class.

“In years past he and his Republican colleagues have done very little to help Oklahoma’s middle class, focusing their efforts instead on cutting taxes for only the wealthiest of Oklahomans.

“This flip-flop is certainly one we welcome.

“Senate Democrats have a track record of standing up for middle class tax cuts because we understand the middle class is the backbone of this state.

“Our position has always been if we cut taxes Oklahoma’s working class should certainly have a seat at the table.

“We will put forth ideas that increase the Standard Deduction and increase the Earned Income Tax Credit, both of which are proven ways to lift up those that bear the greatest burden and immediately stimulate a lagging economy.

“Unfortunately most of the other ideas Senator Coffee and his Republican colleagues unveiled today are the same wedge issues we have seen from them in the past—issues that are meant to divide us rather than unite us and issues that will do nothing to help Oklahoma become a better place to live, work and raise a family.

“It is also apparent with the action by the Republicans to include in the rules special privileges for insurance companies, they intend to continue protecting their friends in this powerful industry rather than focus on efforts to make health care more affordable for all Oklahomans.

“Now that Senate Republicans are in a position to govern, that is where they should focus their efforts rather than continue using partisan rhetoric to score cheap political points with voters and using Senate rules to curry favor with their campaign donors. The elections are over and it’s time to govern.”


Contact info
Senator Laster's Office: (405) 521-5539