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Statement by Sen. Stratton Taylor

"Just as we know a new year is upon us, so, too, is the partisan political season. Many in this same group of Senators, on a regular basis in their private law practices, have contacted lawyers from out of state, offering their services.

Our law firm has a long history of representing Texas clients, both corporate and individual, as plaintiffs and defendants in Oklahoma. We, on a regular basis, contact Texas lawyers who represent both plaintiffs and defendants indicating that we are willing to work with them in the event they have legal matters in Oklahoma.

As a State Senator I have supported appropriate and responsible changes in the civil justice system. I will continue to do so.

I will not, however, be a part of or support legislation that removes responsibility from drunk drivers, reckless truckers, or insurance companies that do not pay their claims in a timely manner.

I have always respected the decision of Oklahomans, whether it was at the ballot box or in the jury box. I will continue to do so, and believe the same Oklahomans that are intelligent enough to elect their leaders are also intelligent enough to make decisions as members of a jury.

It is extremely ironic that this group of Senators is complaining, given their own actions with regard to their own law firms. For example:

1) Senator Glenn Coffee’s law firm, on a regular basis, represents out-of-state clients in Oklahoma, but not only that, his law firm represents state agencies and he offers legislation, such as last year’s Small Loan Lending Bill, and other measures that are supported by clients of his law firm.

2) Senator Scott Pruitt has in the past approached me on more than one occasion, asking my assistance in obtaining out-of-state legal clients for his law practice. It is very puzzling to watch Senator Pruitt becoming involved in what is a partisan political gesture.

3) Senator Jim Williamson practices domestic law and on a regular basis, engages in legislation involving those activities which is equally interesting given his personal past circumstances."

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Senate Communications Division - (405) 521-5605