On Tuesday, the Senate unanimously approved House Bill 2008, by Sen. David Bullard, R-Durant, and Rep. Justin Humphrey, R-Lane. The bill will now return to the House for further consideration.
“Today, we passed House Bill 2008, a bill dealing with the processing of beef. The goal of the bill is to allow cattle producers to bring their processed products directly to market. In the bill, we made innovations in our beef processing capabilities by allowing for virtual inspection and cataloging. This will be a concept which must be vetted to ensure food safety is still maintained at a high level.
“In the process of crafting this bill, I worked with many entities and professionals. A special thanks goes to the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, the Cattleman’s Association, Sen. Casey Murdock, Sen. Brent Howard, Senate Majority Floor Leader Kim David, Rep. Garry Mize, Rep. John Pfeiffer, House Floor Leader Jon Echols, and the House author and a great leader, Rep. J.J. Humphrey.
“We are fighting to free up the markets to ensure a strong and robust cattle industry in Oklahoma. Our ranchers deserve the right to sell the best beef, born in Oklahoma, raised in Oklahoma, processed in Oklahoma and sold in Oklahoma. May the beef be with you! No Bull.”
For more information, contact: Sen. Bullard: (405) 521-5586 or David.Bullard@oksenate.gov
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