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Sharp named to Farm Bureau’s 100 Percent Club

OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Ron Sharp was among 80 legislators to be named to the Oklahoma Farm Bureau 100 Percent Club for a 100 –percent voting record with the organization during the 2017 legislative session. 

“I’m proud to support measures like these to strengthen rural Oklahoma and help families and businesses in these communities,” said Sharp, R-Shawnee.  

Among the measures Sharp and his colleagues were graded on were Senate Bills 147, 326 and 593.  SB 147 allows a municipality’s governing body to waive the three-mile setback required for concentrated animal feeding operations. SB 326 makes it unlawful to import or possess exotic swine and authorizes the State Veterinarian to grant exceptions to zoos accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums.  SB 593 encourages wind energy development by removing a loophole allowing individuals to register for construction of a private airport to prevent the development of wind turbines. 
“Oklahoma Farm Bureau is thankful to have excellent representation as we continue to fight for our members at the state Capitol,” said Tom Buchanan, OKFB president.  “We applaud these lawmakers for their efforts to protect agriculture and rural Oklahoma.”
OKFB was founded in 1942.  The grassroots organization of farm and ranch families united to analyze issues and formulate action to achieve educational improvement, economic opportunity and social advancement in all of Oklahoma’s 77 counties.  OKFB is the state’s largest general farm organization committed to improving the lives of rural Oklahomans through advocacy, education and member benefits.  To learn more, visit
Sharp was also recognized for having a 100 percent voting record by REID and also had a perfect attendance record this session. 

Contact info
Sen. Sharp: (405) 521-5539