State Senator Sam Helton stated today that legislation to further enhance veterans’ benefits has received approval from the Senate General Conference Committee on Apppropriations (GCCA) today. House Joint Resolution 1044 would provide disabled veterans with property tax relief on their homes.
Under provisions of HJR 1044, those who served in the military and have received a 100 percent service connected disability would be entitled to claim an exemption for the fair cash value of their homestead in the amount of $10,500. Once the measure clears all of the necessary legislative hurdles, it will then go to Oklahoma voters for final approval.
“I am very pleased this important resolution has received endorsement of the GCCA,” stated the Democrat Senator from Lawton. “Oklahoma’s disabled veterans diligently served their country and sustained injuries from this service. It only seems proper to provide them with some much needed tax relief. I look forward to the passage of HJR 1044 in the legislature and it going to a vote of the people.”
Senator Helton is the former chair of the Veterans, Military Affairs and Public Safety Committee and has been a lifelong supporter of increasing veterans’ benefits. The House author who is also the chairman of the House committee on Veterans and Military Affairs, Representative Ray McCarter, has also worked with Senator Helton to ensure that veterans receive the benefits they deserve.
President Pro Tempore of the Senate Cal Hobson has also voiced his support of HJR 1044.
“Senator Helton has long been an outspoken advocate for our state’s veterans. He has worked diligently to guide this measure through the legislative process to give Oklahoma voters the chance to show respect and gratitude the men and women who have unselfishly given of themselves in uniform in defense of our country,” said Senator Hobson.