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Senator Hobson Comments on Corporation Commission Action

Statement by Senator Cal Hobson,
Vice-chairman, Senate Appropriations Committee

"I'm disappointed because I think our Corporation Commissioners missed a golden opportunity to do something significant for the Oklahoma education system and our state as a whole."

"The commissioners seemed intent on giving the telephone company what it wanted, instead of trying to determine whether the proposed changes were actually in the best interest of the consumers and the state. I think Commissioners ignored important evidence generated by their own staff, namely the fact that this proposal locks rates into place that could guarantee Bell annual excess earnings of at least $90 million a year."

"Fortunately, this represents just the first step in the alternative regulation process. The Legislature must still review the proposed changes. I know lawmakers are going to be interested in taking a close look at Bell's rate structure to make sure that consumers are getting a fair deal."

"Hopefully, what will ultimately emerge from this process is something that is more beneficial to education and the ratepayers of Oklahoma, without hindering Bell's ability to compete in our state."

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Senate Communications Division - (405) 521-5605