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Senate to Post Real-time Floor Votes, Webcast Additional Committee Meetings

Oklahomans now have even greater access to events at the State Capitol via the Internet. As of Wednesday, February 1, streaming audio and video will be available from two Senate committee rooms as well as in the Senate Chamber. In addition, beginning Monday, all floor votes on bills can be viewed in real time on the Senate website.

Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Morgan said the Senate has been on the cutting edge when it comes to utilizing new technology to open up the legislative process.

“Last year we first unveiled our streaming audio and video that allowed the public to have a first-hand look at what we do in the Senate right on their computer. The feedback was so overwhelmingly positive, we started working to expand the services we offer through our website, including making more committee meetings and our floor votes accessible in real time,” said Morgan.

In addition to streaming video and audio from the Senate Chamber and 419-C, the Senate will now offer live audio and video from room 511-A. In addition, when 511-A is filled to capacity the live feed from that committee room will be made available in rooms 419-A and B.

The State Senate was also the first in the Capitol building to offer wireless Internet access to the public and members of the media in all public areas as well as to the Capitol press rooms.

To view streaming video, Senate votes or to download bills, committee agendas, Senate Journal reports on committee and floor action as well as other related information, go to

Contact info
Senate Communications Office - (405) 521-5774