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Senate Leader Remains Focused on Public Safety

“Senate Democrats remain focused on protecting Oklahoma families because we believe public safety should be our number one priority.

“Until Speaker Hiett and other Republican leaders of the House are willing to come to the table with workable solutions to address the crisis facing the Oklahoma Department of Corrections (DOC), we will remain uninterested in discussing funding for parades and fireworks.

“Violence continues to escalate in Oklahoma prisons as staffing shortages at DOC create dangerous situations for correctional officers who put their lives between the bad guys and Oklahoma families on a daily basis.

“Many times in Oklahoma prisons, one correctional officer guards 80 prisoners who have raped, murdered and stolen from Oklahoma citizens.

“That is why Senate Democrats created a solid comprehensive solution to address this public safety problem.

“When public safety receives the attention it deserves from House leaders, we will be more than willing to discuss centennial projects with Speaker Hiett.

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President Pro Tempore's Office - (405) 521-5605