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Senate Gives Final Approval to Bill Requiring Full Disclosure of Adoption Fees

Sen. Steve Russell Sen. Steve Russell

A bill to require full disclosure of adoption fees is one step closer to the governor’s desk. Senate Bill 1029, by Sen. Steve Russell, was given final approval by the State Senate on Wednesday.

“I want to thank my fellow members for their support. Each time this bill has been considered by the Senate it has gotten unanimous approval,” said Russell, R-Oklahoma City. “I believe all of us want to do what we can to improve the adoption process in our state and help more children find loving, adoptive parents.”

A 2006 Grand Jury found instances of financial exploitation of Oklahomans seeking private adoptions. Russell said SB 1029 would improve the process by ensuring full disclosure of all fees, as well as ensuring full explanation of all state laws dealing with adoption, including regulations impacting the adoption of Native American children.

“It’s certainly reasonable to pay for legal fees and medical cost directly associated with the adoption, but prospective parents should not be billed for cars, television sets, or other luxury items,” Russell said. “By requiring a complete accounting of what parents are being billed for, we can stop that sort of exploitation and as a result, it will likely bring down the cost of such adoptions.”

SB 1029 now returns to the House of Representatives for final consideration.

Contact info
Sen. Russell's Office - 405-521-5618