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Senate Energy chairman supports prohibition on Russian oil/gas purchases

The chairman of the Senate Energy Committee said he supports a ban on Russian oil and other petroleum products, explaining such a prohibition would further hold Vladimir Putin and his regime accountable for its illegal and unlawful attack on Ukraine.

Sen. Mark Allen, R-Spiro, said the United States is indirectly funding the Putin regime and its ruthless attack on the Ukrainian people by purchasing Russian oil and other products every day.

“The United States and its allies should stop buying Russian oil immediately,” Allen said. “Buying oil from Russia is absurd, and doing so only helps fund Putin’s ruthless and unhumanitarian war on Ukraine. We should further show our commitment to the Ukrainian people by prohibiting the purchase of Russian oil and gas products and encourage our allies to do the same.”

Additionally, Allen said President Biden should take immediate action to reverse some of his energy policies, like stopping the Keystone XL pipeline, that have curtailed domestic energy production and contributed to increased costs for the American public.

“Most products on our shelves are derived from petroleum in some fashion,” Allen said. “Even windmills depend on petroleum products for lubrication. Energy costs for heating homes have increased, and consumers are seeing higher prices at the pump. American families need relief, and they need it now.

“The president has failed to address record levels of inflation, and his energy policies are only curtailing energy production, further increasing prices for consumers. Energy producers aren’t asking the federal government for a handout, but rather want the opportunity to get their products to market. The United States needs to unleash domestic energy producers to provide Americans with relief from high energy prices and lessen our dependence on foreign energy.”