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Senate Education Leaders Comment on President Trump’s Education Order

OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Adam Pugh, R-Edmond, and Sen. Ally Seifried, R-Claremore, who lead the Senate Education Committee, issued the following statements about President Donald Trump’s executive order to return education to the states.

Senator Adam Pugh, R-Edmond, Chairman of the Senate Education Committee:

“President Trump’s executive order gives Oklahoma a unique opportunity to return accountability and transparency to the state. I am all for ending the heavy-handed, one-size-fits all approach that has been going on for decades through federal mandates from the U.S. Department of Education. Returning more power to the states, with no interruption in services to kids that need it most, will allow more flexibility in education and create innovation, which is something I have been working on for years. I am in ongoing discussions with our federal delegation to understand what exactly this means for Oklahoma. My plan is to continue working with all stakeholders to ensure we are well-positioned to take on a greater leadership role in shaping our own education system. I will continue to advocate for the policies that put students and families first.”

Senator Ally Seifried, R-Claremore, Senate Education Committee Vice Chair:

“The Trump Administration’s announcement to upend the U.S. Department of Education is welcome news given the ineffective bureaucracy it has become. For too long, the U.S. Department of Education has imposed burdensome regulations and mandates that hinder innovation and limit the ability of states to address the unique needs of their students. By shifting decision-making authority back to the states, we can cut through federal red tape and empower local leaders, educators and parents to craft policies that best serve their communities. To be clear - this approach is not about reducing funding for critical programs but about ensuring those dollars are spent more effectively. States will retain funding for students with special needs and other essential programs, while gaining the flexibility to allocate resources based on what works best for their schools — not what a federal bureaucracy dictates. Education decisions should be made closer to the classroom, where leaders understand the specific challenges and opportunities their students face.”


For more information, contact: Sen. Adam Pugh at 405-521-5622 or or Sen. Ally Seifried at 405-521-5555, or email