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Senate Democratic Leader Kirt comments on bill restricting public’s right of initiative petition

OKLAHOMA CITY – Senate Democratic Leader Julia Kirt issued the following statement after the Senate approved SB 1027, placing multiple restrictions on the public’s ability to use initiative petitions to change state law.

“This bill undermines the right of the public to make decisions about the laws they live under. Too many politicians don’t trust citizens to make decisions, so now they’re rewriting the rules so they can get what they want instead of what the people want. The ballot initiative was the first right given to the people in Oklahoma’s constitution. If this bill passes, it means more power for out-of-touch politicians, lobbyists and special interests, and less power for voters to decide the issues that matter to them.” – Senate Democratic Leader Julia Kirt, D-Oklahoma City. 


For more information, contact: Sen. Julia Kirt at 405-521-5636 or