OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Jo Anna Dossett, D-Tulsa, has won committee approval for her bill expanding access to driver education for drivers of adaptive vehicles. Senate Bill 487 ensures that those drivers needing to drive an adaptive vehicle due to injury, disability, or any other adverse circumstance can hire an appropriate driver educator for their unique need.
“SB 487 is a constituent request from someone who has successfully navigated the arduous process of acquiring an adaptive vehicle, learning how to drive it, and becoming fully licensed,” Dossett said. “Her journey shows us that those in her position need more flexibility to hire the highly specialized driver educators they require. If it becomes law, those highly specialized driver educators will be recognized just the same as other driver educators, and we’ll relieve drivers of adaptive vehicles of such an arduous process.”
The measure is now eligible for a floor hearing and must be heard by the full Senate by March 27.
“SB 487 has no fiscal impact to the state and only requires an adjustment to agency rules about driver education that leads to eventual driver licensure; however, if passed, it will have a great impact on an individual’s access to mobility, employment, and quality of life. It’s a win-win for the state, and for our citizens,” Dossett commented.–
For more information, contact: Sen. Jo Anna Dossett: (405) 521-5624 or JoAnna.Dossett@oksenate.gov