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Sen. Shaw files legislation requiring human trafficking training for law enforcement officers

Oklahoma ranks 28th in the nation for human trafficking, and Sen. Wayne Shaw, R-Grove, wants to better equip law enforcement officers to recognize the signs of this illegal practice and protect trafficking victims. 

Senate Bill 1569 would require the Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training (CLEET) to establish appropriate training resources focused on human trafficking, including victim identification and understanding the effects of trauma from this crime. The bill also refers to a screening assessment law enforcement officers could use when investigating a potential human trafficking incident. 

“Oklahoma is a prime route for traffickers because of the many interstate highways that cut through our state,” Shaw said. “We must equip our law enforcement officers with every tool possible to quickly identify the women, children and men forced into trafficking and intervene on their behalf.”

Contact info
Sen. Wayne Shaw at 405-521-5574, or email