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Sen. Kirt comments on LOFT report on Health Care Authority

Sen. Kirt comments on OHCA LOFT report

OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Julia Kirt, a member of the Oversight Committee for the Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency (LOFT), issued the following statement after the watchdog agency presented its September report reviewing funding sources for the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA). 

“As we reviewed LOFT’s data and analysis, my big takeaway is the importance of Oklahoma voters choosing to expand Medicaid. It helped the state weather COVID, and provided health care access to more than half a million working people throughout the state.

“The study shows how efficiently eligibility is reviewed, meaning Oklahomans have quicker access to the care they need. In a state that historically ranks poorly in almost every category of health outcomes, we cannot overstate the importance of expanding access to health care.” Sen. Julia Kirt, D-Oklahoma City.

To view the executive summary, go to: Oklahoma Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency (


For more information, contact:  Sen. Julia Kirt at 405-521-5636 or