OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Kendal Sacchieri, R-Blanchard, recently filed a measure to require any proposal put before voters to explicitly state that it will result in increased taxes. Under the provisions of Senate Bill 1116, all state questions, school bonds, sales tax proposals, or any other proposals that would raise or extend tax rates must include a disclaimer stating, “THIS IS A TAX INCREASE”.
“Sometimes, taxing jurisdictions promote a bond or sales tax proposal to its voters as ‘Free’ or ‘Tax neutral,’ and that simply is not so,” Sacchieri said. “Nothing is free in government; it is only by your hard-earned tax dollars that it survives. I campaigned on the promises of transparency, fiscal restraint and conservative governance. This bill checks all those boxes and ensures that voters are fully knowledgeable of what said proposal will do to their taxes when they walk into that voting booth and cast their ballot. And whatever they decide, it is no one’s business but their own. May this serve as a reminder how important it is, to vote every time we have the opportunity to do so.”
Senate Bill 1116 is eligible for consideration in the 2025 legislative session, which begins February 3.
For more information, contact: Sen. Kendal Sacchieri at (405) 521-5522 or Kendal.Sacchieri@oksenate.gov.