OKLAHOMA CITY – The Senate has unanimously approved legislation expanding educational opportunities for members of the Oklahoma National Guard. Senate Bill 31, by Sen. Carri Hicks, creates the “Oklahoma National Guard CareerTech Assistance Act,” providing tuition assistance for Oklahoma Guard members enrolling in programs leading to licensure or certification, making vocational education more accessible and affordable.
Hicks said the Oklahoma National Guard is a critical part of our national defense, as well as assisting towns and cities here at home during natural disasters. The Oklahoma City Democrat said she was grateful for the opportunity to support those members, ensuring they have the resources and education needed to succeed both in uniform and in civilian life.
“This legislation will offer an important and valuable benefit for those who selflessly serve their communities, our state, and the nation,” Hicks said. “I want to thank my fellow senators for their bipartisan support of this measure.”
SB 31 now moves to the House of Representatives for further consideration. Rep. Judd Strom, R-Copan, is the House principal author.
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For more information, contact: Sen. Carri Hicks at 405-521-5543 or Carri.Hicks@oksenate.gov