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Sen. Hamilton Holds Interim Study for Lake Eufaula Residents to Address Regulatory and Safety Issues

OKLAHOMA CITY – Senator Warren Hamilton, R-McCurtain, held an interim study to give Lake Eufaula residents the opportunity to express their concerns related to regulatory and safety issues in the area.

“The purpose of the study was to get landowners and the Corps of Engineers together to air grievances and find solutions that people can live with,” Hamilton said.

Participants included Representative Randy Randleman, local real estate broker Kelli Wall, and Bugtussle VFD Chief Cory Wall.

“Constituents voiced concerns that included a widespread perception that the rules are unknown, unexplained, and not the same for all; people refrain from asking questions or protesting for fear of retribution; insurance rates are increasing while property values are decreasing; and people are not able to use their property the way they intended to when they bought it,” Hamilton said.

Hamilton added that many other people expressed great support for the study but declined to participate due to fear of retribution. 

Residents are concerned that the restrictions on mowing are creating a fire hazard due to the accumulation of dead vegetation. Firefighters are often hindered by these same dead trees, some of which they do not see because of the tall vegetation, and result in vehicle damage. Furthermore, the overgrowth contributes to the proliferation of mosquitoes, snakes, rodents, and other vermin. 

Hamilton closed with, “The Army Corps of Engineers has a distinguished history and plays a vital role in the maintenance of Lake Eufaula. I look forward to working with the Corps, landowners, and other governmental entities to achieve an optimal solution.  My hope is that government at every level will never lose sight of the fact that all government in America exists to serve the people and protect their God-given rights.”  

Completed interim studies are available to view at To view the study on the Corps of Engineers and Lake Eufaula, select “Recordings”, then select the Sept. 26 General Government Committee meeting.


For more information, contact: Sen. Warren Hamilton at 405-521-5604, or email