OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. David Bullard was sworn into office for his second term Wednesday in the Oklahoma Senate. Lt. Gov. Matt Pinnell, the President of the Senate, presided over the ceremony while Oklahoma Supreme Court Chief Justice Richard Darby administered the oath of office. Bullard was joined by his wife, Amber, their two children and other family and friends.
“It has been such an honor working to protect the God-given and constitutional rights of the great citizens of Senate District 6 and our fellow Oklahomans,” Bullard said. “I’m looking forward to continuing to protect our deeply held family values, the unborn and others who don’t have a voice, our brave military and law enforcement members while strengthening our schools and supporting our agriculture industry.”
Bullard currently serves on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Education, along with the Agriculture and Wildlife, Energy, Judiciary, and Rules Committees. This week, he was also elected to serve as Caucus Vice Chair.
He has been a staunch pro-life advocate, authoring numerous bills to protect the sanctity of life and ensure the unborn are given the same respect and rights as all Oklahomans. As a former educator, he’s gotten bills signed into law protecting public schools and students, including prohibiting the teaching of Critical Race Theory, ensuring restrooms and changing rooms are designated exclusively based on biological sex, improving mental health services for students, and expanding school-sponsored apprenticeships, internships and mentorships to more students. His bills have honored and supported Oklahoma’s military and law enforcement members; and he has also fought to protect Oklahomans’ religious freedoms by ensuring churches cannot be shut down during state or national emergencies.
The Senate will hold a one-day organizational meeting on Jan. 3, and the 2023 session will formally get underway on February 6.
For more information, contact: Sen. Bullard: (405) 521-5586 or David.Bullard@oksenate.gov
CUTLINE 1: Sen. David Bullard, R-Durant, and other newly elected members celebrate after taking their oaths of office Wednesday at the state Capitol.
CUTLINE 2: Sen. David Bullard, R-Durant, introduces his family and friends in the Senate Chamber following his swearing in ceremony Wednesday.