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Rice Praises Former State Representative Toure

Sen. Andrew Rice Sen. Andrew Rice

State Senator Andrew Rice (D-OKC) today praised the life and work of former Democratic State Representative Opio Toure, who died this morning after a long battle with a chronic lung condition.

“We are all saddened today by the loss of our good friend, Representative Toure, who was a consummate champion for social rights in Oklahoma,” Rice said. “He will be remembered as someone who fiercely represented the needs of the people he represented in Oklahoma City. Today, we will honor and commend his service to the people of Oklahoma.”

Toure served in the Oklahoma House from 1994 until 2006.

Former State Senator Bernest Cain, of Oklahoma City, said Representative Toure had a unique ability to work with all people of all political parties, all races and all religions to push for substantive changes for the poor and disenfranchised.

“Nobody spoke with more authority or worked harder for the disadvantaged than Representative Toure,” Cain said. “There was a spirit of kindness and goodness to him that will be missed.”

Rice and Cain, who preceded Rice in representing Senate District 46 in Oklahoma City, shared overlapping jurisdiction and constituents with Representative Toure.

Contact info
Senator Rice's Office: (405) 521-5610