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Republican Senate Leader Thanks Senator Taylor For Joining The Team For The Elimination Of The Income Tax

At a capitol news conference Senate Republican Floor Leader Jim Dunlap said he was looking forward to studying President Pro Tempore Stratton Taylor's proposal to convert Oklahoma's tax system to that of Texas and commended him for realizing the need to eliminate the income tax.

"After years of opposing any reduction in the state income tax I am glad that Senator Taylor now realizes the truth in what Republicans have been proclaiming for years… income taxes discourage growth," Dunlap said. "It takes a true statesman to change course and I offer my highest compliments to Senator Taylor for joining our team."

Dunlap believes that because it is now indisputable that our income tax limits our growth the legislature should proceed with a ½ percent income tax cut this session. "We do not know when the results of the Texas Plan study will be finalized or when it could become law," Dunlap explained. "In order to give Oklahoma a jump start and send the message that we are serious about tax reform it is important that we provide immediate income tax relief. The growth revenue is available and with Senator Taylor's support I'm sure the Senate could pass income tax relief this session."

Contact info
Eric Polak: 405/521-5654