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Pro Tem Treat Statement on Sen. Roger Thompson Resignation

OKLAHOMA CITY – Senate Pro Tem Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City, today released the following statement after Senator Roger Thompson, R-Okemah, submitted his resignation letter, effective November 1.

“Senator Roger Thompson has been a wonderful friend and great partner in the Senate over the last 10 years,” Pro Tem Treat said. “His faithful stewardship of the budget the past several years has led to record savings and record investments in education, behavioral health and infrastructure. Sen. Thompson has also helped navigate the Legislature through many difficult times, especially through the ARPA process.  His work on developing the Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency as co-chair has been instrumental in the successful outcomes we have seen come out of this office. Senator Thompson has a servant’s heart through and through. Even before coming to the Senate, he served in numerous roles in his community, including as a pastor for his local ministry and as a missionary in overseas outreach.

“Senator Thompson has served his state well and while I look forward to continuing our friendship moving forward, the Senate is losing a valued member of our family. I wish him and his wife, Pamela, well on whatever is in store next for them.”

To read Sen. Roger Thompson's resignation letter, click here

To read more about Senator Roger Thompson, click here.