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OK SB 426: Oklahoma Senate Must Act to Defy Medical Tyranny and Global Governance

OKLAHOMA CITY — Sen. Dusty Deevers, R-Elgin, is calling on the legislature to defend Oklahoma's sovereignty against the creeping influence of global governance. If passed Oklahoma Senate Bill 426, by Rep. Rick West, R-Heavener, and Sen. George Burns, R-Pollard, would be a defiant stand against the encroaching powers of international bodies like the WHO, UN, and WEF. This legislation is a declaration of independence from authoritarian global tyrants who unashamedly oppose and threaten American liberties, and it boldly asserts that international directives shall have “no force or effect” to undermine the laws or sovereignty of Oklahoma.

Highlights of Senate Bill 426:

● State vs. Global Authority: SB 426 allows WHO recommendations, not WHO dictates. Sets a firm boundary against international control over Oklahoma’s laws and freedoms.

● Prompted by Presidential Moves: Addresses the threat of WHO treaties that President Biden is expected to endorse on May 27.

● Following Louisiana: The Louisiana Senate recently passed a bill nearly identical to SB426 in a bipartisan and unanimous 37-0 vote.

● Urgent Action Needed: Contact Senators to hear SB426 in the Senate.

SB 426 is a stand against the dilution of our national identity and rights through international interference. The bill emerges amidst concerns that on May 27, President Biden will commit the United States to two treaties for “global governance” under the deceptive auspices of “public health” at the World Health Organization (WHO).

This situation brings to mind C.S. Lewis’s prophetic, dystopian novel, That Hideous Strength, where a seemingly benign institution masks a deeper, more sinister motive to manipulate and dominate. As with Lewis’ fictional National Institute of Co-ordinated Experiments (N.I.C.E.), where technocratic elites manipulate and dominate under the guise of benevolence, today we are confronted by a real scenario where Tedros Ghebreyesus, the WHO’s Director-General, through Biden’s pen, could unilaterally declare “public health emergencies of international concern” and dictate American policy without meaningful input from the American populace or its representatives.

Granting vast powers to someone without medical credentials, who mandated disastrous COVID-19 responses such as lockdowns and unproven vaccines, resulting in countless American deaths, economic devastation, and currency inflation, represents a repugnant abandonment of our constitutional liberties. As these international treaties draw nearer to ratification, we must vehemently oppose this infringement on our sovereignty.

Having passed the House with a vote of 72-21, SB 426 now awaits consideration in the Senate, where its fate rests with Pro Tem Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City, and Majority Floor Leader Greg McCortney, R-Ada. The bill's language, inspired by Louisiana’s successful SB133, underscores a shared commitment among states to protect local governance from global interference.

SB 426 champions the principles enshrined in both the U.S. and Oklahoma Constitutions by prohibiting any enforcement of international dictates repugnant to our Constitution. It also prohibits any WHO recommendations from being used as the basis for any new Oklahoma regulations. This legislation is about more than health; it is a broader fight to ensure that decisions affecting Oklahomans are made by those accountable to Oklahomans.

International organizations like the WHO, which are significantly influenced by tyrannical regimes like the Chinese Communist Party, would love to extend their reach into every aspect of our lives, from schools and businesses to churches and personal privacy. In an age where digital surveillance and bureaucratic tyranny are on the rise, SB 426 serves as a declaration that Oklahoma values its independence and the rights of its citizens more than the decrees of distant bureaucrats.

As Oklahomans, it is our duty to rally behind SB 426. We must protect our state not merely from the potential overreach but from the very real encroachment of global entities that seek to reshape the world in their image. Oklahomans must send a clear message to the Biden administration and to the Chinese Communist-influenced bureaucrats at the WHO that our sovereignty and liberties are not up for debate.

Call to action: Contact Pro Tem Treat and Majority Floor Leader McCortney requesting SB 426 is discussed on the Senate floor. Reach out to your local Senator, urging them to support and co-sponsor this crucial bill. Stand with us in safeguarding our state, reinforcing our values, and resisting global governance.


For more information, contact:  Sen. Dusty Deevers at 405-521-5567 or email