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Measure Protecting Unborn Children Sent to Governor's Desk

Sen. Glenn Coffee Sen. Glenn Coffee


Senate Bill 1103 by President Pro Tempore Glenn Coffee will now go before the Governor for his signature after receiving unanimous approval from both chambers.

Senate Bill 1103 provides protections for pregnant women who are subject to domestic violence abuse.

The “Use of Force for the Protection of the Unborn Act” defines circumstances that give a pregnant woman the right to use force or deadly force against another to protect her unborn child. Such protection includes reasonable beliefs that the unborn child is threatened, making the use of force immediately necessary for the child’s protection.

“The overwhelming support of this bill shows how important of a safeguard it really is,” said Pro Tem Coffee. “We have chosen today to support a critical measure that allows a pregnant woman to not only save her life but the life of her unborn child as well. I commend my colleagues on rallying together as a legislative body to protect life, and I urge the Governor to join us by signing this bill into law.”

Contact info
Sen. Coffee's Office: 405-521-5636