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Measure allowing district courts to destroy paper files once digitized heads to full Senate

OKLAHOMA CITY – A measure to allow district courts to destroy certain court records once they are digitized passed the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously Tuesday.  Senate Bill 47 is authored by Sen. Bill Coleman, R-Ponca City, who said the measure is desperately needed by the courts to free up space and save money.

“Currently, thousands of hard copy files are being stored in district courthouses around the state. Most of these documents have already been digitized but under current law, courts aren’t allowed to destroy the paper files,” Coleman said. “Allowing district courts to destroy these documents will help improve efficiency, free up valuable storage space and decrease fire hazards. Many courts are also renting or leasing storage space to keep these files, so this would help save them money.”

SB 47 authorizes the destruction of court records relating to felony, misdemeanor, wildlife, traffic, juvenile, or civil cases provided the records of such cases are digitized, and the district attorney provided for computer storage of the files.

The bill will next be heard by the full Senate.


For more information, contact:  Sen. Bill Coleman: (405) 521-5581 or

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