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Lawler Praises Senate Panel for Passage of House Bill 1686

Senator Daisy Lawler said today she is pleased pro-life legislation cleared the Senate Health and Human Services Committee. Lawler said House Bill 1686 passed the panel with bi-partisan support. Lawler, one of the co-founders of Democrats for Life, is particularly pleased that women who are facing the decision to end their pregnancy will now be armed with information that will hopefully help them choose life.

“Women who choose to end their pregnancies often do so because they are unaware of other options that are available to them,” Lawler said. “This bill will help educate Oklahoma women of all their choices.”

Lawler (D-Comanche) said the bill also makes it illegal for a physician to terminate a pregnancy without the voluntary consent of the pregnant woman. The expectant mother must receive information about services available to her 24 hours before the termination of the pregnancy.

“Requiring women to receive information 24 hours prior to the termination of the pregnancy will allow women much needed time to consider all their options,” the senator said. “The goal of this legislation is to make sure all Oklahoma women fully understand all their options when making the choice to end their pregnancy. Hopefully once they are armed with all the information about the services that are available to them they will choose not to terminate the pregnancy.”

The bill also includes language to enact a “Laci Peterson Act” which makes it a separate crime to harm or kill an unborn child during the commission of a crime against the baby’s mother.

“We all watched the tragic events surrounding the death of Laci Peterson and her unborn child, Connor,” the lawmaker said. “Making criminals pay for taking the life of a mother and her unborn child is commonsense legislation.”

Lawler said enacting the “Laci Peterson Act” will make criminals accountable for the crimes they commit against not only a mother, but also against the unborn child that expectant mother is carrying.

“I am proud of the members of the committee who not only agreed that criminals should be punished for taking the life of a mother and her unborn child, but who also agreed about the importance of educating women on their choices when facing the decision to terminate a pregnancy,” Lawler said. “This legislation is an important part of our work to make tomorrow better for our children.”

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