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Healthcare co-chairs honored by OHA

OHA honors lawmakers OHA honors lawmakers

OKLAHOMA CITY Two legislators have been given the Oklahoma Hospital Associations (OHA) Outstanding Achievement Award for their efforts to improve healthcare and outcomes throughout the state. Sen. Greg McCortney, R-Ada, and Rep. Marcus McEntire, R-Duncan, have co-chaired the states healthcare working group at the state Capitol. The lawmakers were honored during the 2019 OHA annual convention, held in Oklahoma City this past week.

This is a complex issue, but it is so important to the future of our state, McCortney said. Increasing access to quality healthcare and insurance, better educating individuals about the importance of diet and exercise and gaining more insight into the many challenges facing our healthcare facilities, particularly in rural communitiesthese are among the issues we must address through comprehensive public policy.

In addition to co-chairing the healthcare working group, McCortney is vice chair of the Senates Health and Human Services Committee and is also a member of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services. McEntire chairs the House Appropriations and Budget Subcommittee on Health and is a member of the Committee on Public Health.

Im incredibly grateful to be recognized for my work in reforming Oklahoma healthcare law, McEntire said. Pursuing sensible policy that ensures our citizens receive the healthcare they need and that our healthcare providers are adequately compensated are top priorities as a state representative. It is especially rewarding to be acknowledged for my service.

Contact info
Sen. Greg McCortney at 405-521-5541, or email Rep. Marcus McEntire at 405-557-7327 or email