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Hamilton files legislation to increase resident access to Wildlife Management Areas

OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Warren Hamilton, R-McCurtain, introduced legislation aimed at increasing Oklahomans’ access to the state’s Wildlife Management Areas (WMA). Senate Bill 1857 increases the price of hunting licenses for nonresidents and decreases their bag limit.

“Countless Oklahomans have shared their concerns and frustrations after they were unable to access a WMA due to the number of nonresident hunters and visitors. These areas are property of the state and are held in trust for the people of Oklahoma, therefore our residents and taxpayers should be the first priority when it comes to utilizing these lands and resources,” Hamilton said.

Under SB 1857, costs for nonresident hunting licenses would double, and bag limits for out-of-state hunters would be halved.

“While we are thankful for the support of our state’s tourism and wildlife industries, we cannot take away our resident’s ability to feed their families or enjoy the outdoors and continue our hunting traditions,” Hamilton added.

SB 1857 is eligible for consideration during the 2024 legislative session, which begins Feb. 5.


For more information, contact: Sen. Warren Hamilton at 405-521-5604, or email