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Governor Okays Coffee's Plan to Streamline Government

Sen. Glenn Coffee Sen. Glenn Coffee

The President Pro Tempore thanked the Governor for signing legislation that would aid in streamlining government.

Senator Coffee’s House Bill 1676 moves the Oklahoma Criminal Justice Resource Center (CJRC) out of the Legislative Service Bureau, reassigning its functions and staff to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) and the Attorney General, in an effort to improve efficiency and accountability at the CJRC.

“We appreciate the Governor endorsing this common sense reform of the criminal justice system,” said Coffee. “Our responsibility as elected officials is to be good stewards of taxpayer money and by ratifying this reform, we promote greater accountability in state government.”

House Bill 1676 will send most of the Resource Center’s functions and employees to the OSBI, including the Resource Center’s statistics and research division and the Offender Data Information System (ODIS) that provides computer equipment and software to local law enforcement. Additionally, the bill will create an Office of Criminal Justice Statistics at the OSBI.


Contact info
Sen. Coffee's Office - 405-521-5636