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GOP Leader Seeks Democrat Help on Tax Cut/Budget Effort

Sen. Glenn Coffee Sen. Glenn Coffee

With the Senate’s liberal Democrat leadership threatening to shut down the state government if they don’t get their way on the state budget, State Senate Republican Leader Glenn Coffee announced he wants to work with moderate Democrat senators to support the compromise budget and tax relief package.

“With a nearly $1 billion tax surplus, Senate Republicans believe it’s the Oklahoma taxpayers’ turn to get their fair share,” stated Coffee, R-Oklahoma City. “If there are just two statesmen among Democrat senators who will put our state ahead of partisan politics and support the compromise budget and tax cut package, we can break the budget logjam.”

Coffee said he hopes Gov. Brad Henry, who reached the compromise agreement with GOP legislators earlier this week, will engage his former colleagues in the Senate.

“We hope the governor will show leadership and help us appeal to two or more Democrat senators to join with Senate Republicans and support the compromise budget in the state Senate,” Coffee said.

There are 25 Democrats and 23 Republicans in the Oklahoma State Senate. 25 votes are needed to pass a bill in the State Senate.

Coffee said the bipartisan compromise budget is a great framework, and that Senate Republicans will work to fully fund district attorneys in a final budget agreement.

Contact info
Senate Republican Leadership Assistant's Office: (405) 521-5654