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Dossett bill providing relief to small distillers heads to Senate floor

OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Jo Anna Dossett, D-Tulsa, has won committee approval for her bill reducing annual licensing fees for small spirit distillers. Senate Bill 272 provides relief to distillers producing fewer than 2,500 cases annually by slashing their annual licensing fee from $3,125 to $320.

“Creating a category of small distillers subject to a lower annual fee is in line with how we already categorize and license beer brewers in Oklahoma. Giving small distillers an equal opportunity to start and grow their craft and business just makes sense,” Dossett said.

SB 272 is eligible for a Senate floor hearing and must be considered by March 27th.

“There may be a small impact to state revenue as a result of this legislation, but by providing financial relief to small business owners, and an increased opportunity for them to get started and survive in the market, it will be worth it,” Dossett said.

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For more information, contact:  Sen. Jo Anna Dossett: (405) 521-5624 or